Monday, July 25, 2011

"when i grow up..."

the other day, in the pool, the kids were imagining their futures.  here's what they came up with: lionel will live in our house, ralph and cecelia will live next door in susan's house, her pets will all live with lionel and ralph will help care for them.

mom: (knowing that, in this scenario, jonathan and i are in a "home") where will susan be living?
ralph: oh, susan?  she's dead.

last night, jonathan and cecelia were discussing weddings and dresses (a result of watching TLC: 'my big, fat, gypsy wedding' and 'say yes to the dress' marathons in our hotel.)  as she was pondering getting her dad's approval on who she marries, jonathan told her he would help her with a down payment on a house, the smaller the wedding, the bigger the down payment = bigger house.

cecelia: i'm having a small wedding and making all the bridesmaids pick out and buy their own dresses.

same conversation:
cecelia: dad, who were your groomsmen?
jonathan: my friend, ned (cecelia snickered at the funny-sounding name... i still do, too.) uncle rob, and uncle andy.
cecelia: oh, so mommy had aunt mollie, aunt jen, and ...aunt jess?
jonathan: no, mommy and i hadn't really met aunt jess until that weekend.
cecelia (scandalized): what??!?!  hadn't even MET aunt jess?

she couldn't fathom a life without aunt jess.   :)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

funny kids

we were driving around the Amy Thompson Run looking for dad, we couldn't ever find him...
cecelia: look at the numbers they're wearing!
mom: why?
cecelia: because dad is #564, or something like that.  then we'll know if we'll see him because we can see if these people are before or after him.  

tonight on the weidler's porch, ralph asked if he could play on the playground with the girls.  i said yes.
ralph: uh, dad?  no offense but i think mom is the in-chargest in our family.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

ummmm... and also....

ralph:  mom?  will you lay with me and also i have the hiccups and... ummmm... and also where are you?

(5 minutes later)
ralph: mom?  can you lay with me?  and don't forget... i have the hiccups!

Monday, May 2, 2011



mom?  i'm gonna need you to go speed to pass up this car next to us.  
(i passed)
good job, mom!
(i had to stop for a car turning in front of me)
mom!  go SPEED!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

the boys

yesterday, while getting ready for soccer, lionel was VERY upset about putting on his shoes
lionel: dad!  i HATE the cleaks, they are too tight!
dad: mom?  lionel wants you to know... his cleaks are too tight.

when picking up ralph at the weidlers ("weilers") he showed me his latest find
ralph: mom!  look!  i found a thamonator!
jenny: i wondered where my thermonitor went...

Monday, April 11, 2011

ralph's song (one of many)

miss erin: ralph, you have hardly worked in your workbook at all!  now is the time!  during this time, i'd like for you to take your workbook over there and get some work done in it.

ralph: fine!  (to the tune of "i've been working on the railroad...") i've been working in my workbook... (then, angrily) all the DING-DANG day!!

miss erin: (*gasp*) ralph!

tonight at dinner, as we give thanks to God, lionel leaned over to me to ask if he could repeat last night's thanks... "thank you for making me realize the computer is not everything."

Sunday, April 10, 2011

spring has sprung!

i had to work today, so jonathan was filling me in on what i missed.
he said the kids were ALL excited
to see a pair of cardinals out a window, one boy and one girl.
cecelia said they were on a date.
