Sunday, August 22, 2010

my baby is gone!

yesterday morning my baby baby ralph left with gramma and papa to go to wisconsin for a week. somehow, this one was harder. i REALLY don't want him to grow up, even though he's been telling me since he could talk, "mama, i grow up."

he left without abandon. he did not care! he hopped right up in that car like it was nothing for him to leave his mother! i guess i have some preparation to do before college.

meanwhile, back at the homestead, we have been living it up with only 2 kids... both of whom can pretty much take care of themselves. fewer fights, smaller messes, faster departures... less love for mama :..(

last night, we visited the library, the mixx, and a meeting at st. peter's. today, we went to breakfast, to mass, to susan's pool, and to the ice cream social. right now i am waiting for two naked little messes to clean themselves up in the tub and shower in preparation for school tomorrow... oh yeah! fewer lunches to pack!

i love you, ralph! i miss my baby baby!

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