Sunday, September 12, 2010

life is hard when you have a broken neck!

so yesterday i come home from my run and ralph was laying on the couch ensconced in the blanket we throw over the corner. he said, with a frown, "hi mom. i broke my neck." he looked SO pathetic! "i feel killed!" he said. then he limped around the soccer field, when he wasn't pitching a fit about his leg, his neck, or his shoulder. poor baby! he spent all of saturday and sunday with his head at a 50 degree angle to the right.

"moooooom! do i have a folder in my packpack? yes! i do!! whaaaaaat's in it? why, look! it's a picture of the americas of unite a states!" as he stands there holding an outline of 'AUS' with scribbles in and out of it representing oceans, and mountains, and grass, oh! and volcanos!

here it is two days after i started this and now i'm having a hard time remembering everything that has been said.

last night we watched staci and graham's girls so they could go to the chief's game. those girls just absolutely WORSHIP cecelia. and cecelia really stepped up to the plate and became 16 all of a sudden. she was such an impressive babysitter! rallying the ladies, helping put on pajamas, reading them a bedtime story. and her face...! you should have seen the pride in her face. i wish we could provide a baby sister just to see that face again.

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