Monday, December 20, 2010

meet your date

mom: a lunar eclipse happens every 19 years, the next lunar eclipse will be in 19 years.
cecelia: what?  what's 19 + 8?
mom: 27
cecelia: ugh!  what?!?!??
mom: i was 27 when i met your dad.
cecelia: so... i'll meet my date on the next lunar eclipse?  i'm really glad to be eight on this lunar eclipse!
lionel: i'll be like 18.
cecelia: no you won't!  you'll be like 25.
lionel: i'll be driving.
cecelia: you drive when you're like 16.  you meet your date when you're like 18!

ralph: (singing) lovely lady recipe... with her book of leprosy!

mema: lionel, do you want to go to chicago this summer?
lionel: how long will i be gone?
mema: about 2 days.
lionel: i can't be gone that long.

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