Thursday, January 27, 2011


ralph: mom?  is jesus a ghost?

ralph ran away today.  he was very upset that cecelia and lionel wouldn't give him their boxes to tape together, so he needed to just run away.  to the 'weilers.'  through the snow.  without a coat.  in socks.  he made it as far as the classic cookie before cecelia wearing a shirt, underwear, boots, and a coat, accosted him and dragged him back home: ralph!  you're GOING to come home because i'm wearing a t-shirt, underwear and a coat and mom made me come out and care!  now come ON!!!

later at tub time, he's telling a story of will's family: and his papa walt DIED in the war.  and his gramma died.  and they're ghosts.  BOTH of them!  his papa AND his gramma.
lionel: ghosts are people who died.
ralph: they're dead people.
cecelia: some people die on the toilet, like elvis.
lionel: then he fell in!

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