Tuesday, February 15, 2011

my babies...

today ralph and i almost came to blows over his behavior.  i noticed he had been getting subtly more and more unruly.  i threatened to send him back to *gasp* border star.  we talked about being five and what it all means.  he tried to be helpful after that... for a couple of hours, anyway.

mom: i wish you could stay a baby forever, and i know it's hard, but you have to grow up.
ralph: but we can still love on each other, and you can still see my piggies whenever you want, when i grow up.  and, mom, there is one other bad thing when i grow up.  i may not be avle to sleep in that bed anymore.
mom: why?
ralph: because i will be too big.
mom: but then you can have a bed like that one (pointing to ours) and it will be your very own.
ralph: yeah, but, lionel will probably still want to sleep with me when i grow up.

cecelia has a boyfriend.  j.t. vohs.  those two have been friends since first grade, when lainey would get caught up in girl drama and cecelia would play card games with j.t.  yesterday, valentine's day, cecelia and her friend, maddie, got in a friendly fight over who would be marrying j.t.  so augie, j.t.'s friend, asked j.t. who he likes.  j.t. said, "well, i like cecelia!"  if ask either one of them, they will tell you that they are close friends, who kind-of like eachother like that.


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