Wednesday, July 28, 2010

stream of consciousness conversations at the klem house

ralph: that ambliance is empty. it's not going anywhere, it's just empty but its home is in the hospital. i MEAN i'm talking about the hospital where cecelia went to. MOM! daddy poured water over my head and i was brave! i'm brave about shampooing and water over my head, but i'm NOT brave about real live monsters that live under my bed and in the closet. i thought i was going to throw up in the house, but i wasn't. we're going to watch sord in the stone, where the girl squirrel loves the boy squirrel! daddy's hooking up the vcr! jonahhhhhh, was swallowed by a whale. jonahhhhh was swallowed by a shark whale, it actually was a shark whale.

lionel: speaking of sord in the stone, remember when the fat squirrel loved the boy squirrel or whatever, or....

cecelia: lionel! want me to take a bath with you and not be rough and talk about card games? mama, do you mind if lionel and i take a bath together and talk about card games? we promise we won't be rough.

lionel: (whispering) what did she say?

i am just sitting here typing conversations as they occur while i wait for our kids to take their baths. they are cute. i love that i get to witness these things.

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